Capitol Records Signs “Indian with Drum & Whiteboy” to Three Album Record Deal

Make America Rock Again - Indian with Drum & Whiteboy, Capitol Records
“Make America Rock Again” Indian with Drum & Whiteboy, Copyright Capitol Records, Courtesy YouTube

(Washington, D.C.) – Whoever coined the term “Never say Never” suffered from moronitus as they themselves said “never” twice within a three-word phrase. In a strange turn of events, outrage has spawned into one of the most anticipated collaborations of 2019: Two recent viral figures seem to have put their differences aside in the most unexpected match-ups that will blow people’s minds. The men, mysteriously referred to as “Indian with Drum” and  “Whiteboy” have set the media afire from a protest rally almost turned ugly.

“Let me tell ya – I know the goods and these two got the goods,” states Capitol Records A&R, Peter Gersch. “All the greats had tension within their bands – Lennon & McCartney, Axl & Slash, Waters & Gilmore. And now Capitol Records gives you Indian with Drum & Whiteboy!”


Capitol Records Executive Board Meeting
Capitol Records Executive Board Meeting. Copyright ReSPA.

Gersch also went on to address public speculation that the group feels manufactured and may lack any actual talent. “Not so,” shoots back Gersch. “These guys are talented. We are so confident that we gave them an advance to get the ball rolling, we even got the Indian a second drum- so he’s got two now!”

The album has sparked even more controversy as an unnamed man from the same video is set to make a cameo on the new album. The cameo from this gentlemen is a sure thing as long as there no Rudy Giulianis donning wigs in the studio.


Courtesy YouTube
Courtesy YouTube

Their lead single, “Opposites Attract” from their forthcoming album, “Make America Rock Again” is due this spring via Capitol Records.

Full Time Fool

Full Time Fool has been with Moron Reviews since its inception in 2015.

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